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Online zagonetka «The cat and the bear»

2020-08-14 00:00:00

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The cat and the bear

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Crossover: The Dark Knight Rises (Anne Hathaway as Catwoman) and Ted by DC-Designs. #DCDesigns   Jednobojna područja: 2%


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alex61 43
2020-08-14 18:24
In the lower right corner of the inscription. Which means - did not understand.

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nettaly 52  2020-08-14 19:18 + 1
"the Creative Commons Licenses are legally not contrary to, and in any case do not fight and do not replace copyright, but rather based on it and use its laws, but in fact due to a more liberal approach create competition standard restrictive copyright and are perceived as being in opposition to copyright."

In this case you can apply a rule of "Not sure - do not overtake", i.e. do not vote ;)
alex61 43
2020-08-14 21:50
I did just that.

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