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Online zagonetka «Sand dune»

2020-03-29 00:00:00

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Sand dune

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vk218903606 48
2020-03-29 15:29
nettaly,today I pulled out the picture,where it was stated that this is Japan (Tokyo).First thought-maybe the Korean district,or street.But after reading the names and brands of cars,...smiled.And here.This is the Lofoten Islands.

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nettaly 52  2020-03-29 15:35 + 4
I take pictures from two or three sources, who have a responsible approach to the issue of attribution and/or location, so surprised. Google what this image gives vague descriptions like "Oh, that... well, the sand among the rocks, did not clear..."

But a quarter of Korean or Japanese... Your "Chinatown" is in almost any major city, and when you come back, everything is not European )))
vk218903606 48  2020-03-29 15:56 + 3
nettaly,"Your "Chinatown" is in almost every big city"-Yes,I know it.But as soon as I looked at that picture and all I read here and Google is not necessary...I lived in Korea for 7 years.
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ilio221345 24
2020-03-30 09:19

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