Technically crossword flawless, could be easily solved, without rebounds. Well, the picture is good dark night, it's pitch-dark and only lit Windows of the little Church. Weary and lonely traveler wanders to that beacon in the night hoping for a speedy getaway. If the Church is so close to the village. In Russia it was the custom, the Church played the role of a lighthouse - especially not in weather, and winter storm still beat the bell
Sviđa mi se 7 1
2021-02-24 18:55
ludmila-nadoelo, благо дарю за интересную информацию!!!
2021-02-24 18:04
Все, что выше написано, можно повторить с радостью, Необыкновенно хорош, пронзительно красив, радость и надежду дарящий!! Спасибо Вам огромаднейшее!!!
Sviđa mi se 3 1
2021-02-24 18:51
lumonty007, благо дарю!!!
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