В реальности? Вы видели этого растительноядного динозавра в реальности?!
2020-08-05 13:13
Not personally familiar, but I believe the scientists. Yes, it is a herbivore, but the modern rhinoceros eats grass, too, but strongly recommend not to come close, and the dinosaur was vastly superior and the weight and volume of 9 m average of this miracle of nature
2019-04-21 19:45
Sviđa mi se 0 0
2020-03-14 07:09
very well
Sviđa mi se 2 0
2020-06-05 07:49
That's original! Thanks!
Sviđa mi se 1 0
2020-08-05 13:02
Triceratops lived on the territory of modern North America in the late Cretaceous period. So named because of the 3 horns on his face, a little above the mouth and 2 large above the eyes. Despite this fearsome appearance, he was a herbivore. Scientists have filled in the following featured many teeth that grow throughout life, and the head is positioned very low. Triceratops one of the most recognizable dinosaurs due to the 3 horns and a bony collar that protects the neck. Yak is good is easily solved and the topic is interesting thanks to the Author
Sviđa mi se 1 0
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