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Postignuće «Craft Genius»

Bonusni paket   300    

You need to get in any way except trading at least 100 units of inventory in the inventory! Attention! At the start of execution and upon its successful completion, all anobtany will be deleted from your inventory! In the case of any transactions on the purchase / sale of Anobtania during the passage of the achievement, it will be failed!

Najbrži završetak (u satima)

2021-02-08 18:37:01
2023-09-03 12:22:15
Support 44
2020-03-09 17:58
@Lysva, specially for you before the summer was something to do :)

Sviđa mi se + 7     4
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-03-09 18:00 + 6
smeh vverh
Ioanna 43  2020-03-09 18:21 + 4
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Lysva 44
2020-03-09 19:23
"@Lysva, specially for you before the summer have something to do"
my heart is pierced, it is necessary from catcher to rest - and then to take seriously

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mikl Online 53 Solver Rank
2020-03-10 23:28
The whole website will be rooting for Lysva!
I have No doubt he will master this achievement, at least by the fall!
But then what else Support think?

Sviđa mi se + 8     3
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-03-10 23:38 + 3
Let's bet who will deliver faster, Lysva collect unobtanium or Acceleration gain 3000 rating in tournaments. kopen
Acceleration 34  2020-03-11 00:13 + 2
Of course he is. The Elo after 2500-2600 will crawl like a snail, for it will give 1 point for each opponent kolhoz the bar itself 3 years to deliver and that's the minimum. good
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-03-11 00:26 + 3
Well, not exactly three years , so many tournaments don't exist yet
irinakarsanova 52 Solver Rank
2020-03-23 21:39
Tell me, do I understand correctly, this achievement can only take place after a "Getter Anastasia"

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Lena2020 48  2020-03-23 21:53 + 2
All Achievements are consistently from simple to complex. So you understand correctly, although I these achievements did not pass.
irinakarsanova 52 Solver Rank  2020-03-23 22:07 + 4
Ha! From "easy"!!! Just the prize "difficult" to me personally more interesting. And the contents of the Super-Pak is a lot easier to collect
milutin03 57 Solver Rank
2020-10-18 00:06
"You need to get in any way except trading at least 100 units of inventory in the inventory! "

This first inventory in statement is probably Unobtainium.

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milutin03 57 Solver Rank
! #474049   2021-02-08 18:36
Thanks to COVID 19 (I am not happy about this but this is my reality) I spent last 8 months playing on this great site like junky. First I play only what I like, but later, almost every kind of puzzles were on my menu.

Thanks to Lisva's comment and generously divided experience on unobtainium miner, I decide to try both unobtainium achievements.

Soon, I decide to plan how.

To collect needed material, I conclude that several ways are possible.

1. Establish and run all mines. If You have all needed, 1 lifetime of mines, sey 250 days on level "V" coud give You enough resources to be close to this goal.
2. Donate to site and convert donate coin to bonus coin which are aproximately 10 times expensive than its nominal value.
3. Lot of Playing.
4. Trading on market.

I was combined all of this.

About playing I must say that I have to discipline myself. Following some rules, in long period of time I maximized prizes for solved puzzles.

1. Never play without some kind of activated BOOSTER.
2. If I use BOOSTER, I have to have PREMIUM and for Unreal drop, VIP account is inevitable.
3. If booster is expensive like Super Drop, Super Luck or Unreal drоp plan to play this 500 minutes in a time when no one will disturb You.
4. Most profitable puzzle are one You can solve quickly. (I talk about seconds) One move chess problem, small hitoris, mahjonggs, belarus pyzzles, polinomial puzzles ...
Drop is one, dont warry. Booster will work fine. Almost certain is that 500 puzzles are solvable in 8h and 20 min.
5. Combine all this work with some achievements. Preferably several of them simultaneously. (Now only 2 is possible, see below)
6. When not playing, monitoring on market is become daily routine and fun.

(I have to say that 10 days with lot of new years tournaments with 10+K drоp and with activated boosters, healthly fill my inventory. I play on almost every tournament.)

In the beginning, when I have lot of unsolved easy, and quick solvable puzzles, I use Unreal drop. Over 20 times for sure. Firstly It was very nice.
Latter when Unobtainium price raised, still this was good but great thing about this is lot of fine recipes and items You can catch. All of them will be good for You.
It is very difficult to buy it on market. Either they are popular and who have it, keep it for himself, or simply there is not enough of this kind, as You need.
Even when my inventory decrease in total after one Unreal drоp session, I was satisfied.

Later when I collect some recipes of "anabtawi artifacts" I was play only "hunting for artifacts". With VIP account, (statistically) after every 66 simple puzzle, some of 18 artifacts need to drop. Of course with lot of fluctuations.

Planning for this achievement is crucial.
I was learn on my "Unobtainium miner" mistakes. Lot of miscalculations push me on market. I was make some disturb on market buying all whatever it cost. And still there is not enough what I was needed. (And honestly. I was not patient.)
Accordingly to this experience I decide to
-craft needed items as soon as I receive an unobtainium recipe. This is nice way to avoid miscalculation on "howmany whatever" You need.(don't activate it, juct collect items)
-trading for this job only for this one recipe. Market will remain stable.
-not sell anything usable for antimatter or unobtainium.
-not sell any of anabtawi artifacts.
-only buy this items.

Since fee is now extremely high, 100000 tips, don't pay it unless You are 100% sure that You will have enough recipes, items and resources to finish this quickly.
You can start with 95 recipes and now with multiple achievements start, You can receive for prize 5 of them in some repeated unobtainium achievements.
Be careful to put unobtainium trade on "keep".

This bottom listed adjustments on site, push me further. At least, some of needed work I done with old conditions. For all players who intend to work on this achievement, will have harder conditions than I had.

1. Reduce time for boosters from 24 to 8 hour. (decrease 3 times)
2. Increase number of antimatter in coin pack recipe for unobtainuim from 1 to 10. (increase about 70%)
3. Increase fee for this achievement from 300000 coins to 100000 tips. (increase about 4 times)
4. Change recipe for tips to raise nominal value from 5 to 10 coins.
5. Reduce number of simultaneously active achievements try. (now is only 2)
6. Max number of item on 1 puzzle is reduced from two times total drоp coefficient to one. (before, for drop=5x, for ore with 50% or more percentage on drop, and "Luck" booster You receive sure 10 ores, now only 5 ores).

From time to time I catch myself that I not enjoy playing at all. I solve it automatically. Now I release above discipline manner, and now I again really enjoy in solving puzzles. Especially on this new one. All kind of Sudoku's have very nice new interface, suits me lot.

Sviđa mi se + 16     10
anikina 54  2021-02-08 19:28 + 3
Подписываюсь и ставлю печать под каждым словом. Все от первой до последней буквы соответствует истине. Проделан глубочайший анализ, который мне известен уже давно. Браво!!! klass klass klass
Ioanna 43  2021-02-08 19:42 + 2
А можно перевод? lupa read
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milutin03 57 Solver Rank
2021-02-24 12:51
What Irony,

I was forced to bye majority of all Anabtawi-Artifacts recipe needed for this for 45000+ coins,

Now price for it is only 15000 and constantly drops.

Sviđa mi se + 6     1
t98743235 53 Solver Rank  2021-02-24 18:35 + 2
You wrote it yourself:
"I was make some disturb on market buying all whatever it cost. "

Now the market is gradually returning to normal. Few players are able to repeat this achievement.
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