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Enjoy the benefits of Premium and VIP access for free. Use bonus codes: FREEVIP2DAY и FREEPREMIUM2DAY

GrandGames Admin
2024-07-04 18:01

Premium account, can be obtained for Bonus Coins, awarded for adding some puzzles: It is also available as a prize in some achievements, various contests, promotions, holiday tournaments, etc.


You can get a VIP account for Super Coin by activating one of the recipes:

You can receive Super Coin for significant assistance in the development of the site, for example creating video materials for our youtube-channel, etc.

If you want to get an annual V.I.P account for money or crypto, please contact us in a personal message.

If you have premium active, you can convert it to VIP on this page (for a period equal to 10% of the remaining time of its validity).

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