Misija #470. After this mission, which starts with the easiest puzzles polyominoes and ending with the most severe, you will become a true master of polyominoes! At the last stage to the first 5 players. the bonus code to receive academic
Sviđa mi se 7Ne sviđa mi se 0
Status: Ti nisi dio ove misije
Faza 1
? 00:10 00:07
Faza 2
? 00:15 00:10
Faza 3
? 00:20 00:15
Faza 4
? 00:25 00:20
Faza 5
? 00:25 00:20
Faza 6
? 00:40 00:30
Faza 7
? 00:40 00:30
Faza 8
? 00:40 00:30
Faza 9
? 01:00 00:45
Faza 10
? 01:00 00:45
Faza 11
? 01:00 00:45
Faza 12
? 01:00 00:45
Faza 13
? 01:00 00:45
Faza 14
? 01:20 01:00
Faza 15
? 01:20 01:00
Faza 16
? 01:20 01:00
Faza 17
? 01:20 01:00
Faza 18
? 02:00 01:30
Faza 19
? 03:30 02:00
Faza 20
? 03:30 02:00
Faza 21
? 03:30 02:00
Faza 22
? 05:00 03:00
Faza 23
? 05:00 03:00
Faza 24
? 05:00 03:00
2019-10-19 18:01
20 and 24 stages is something hard to decide
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