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Based on fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen

2019-12-19 12:10 Alisa_Anufrieva Faze30 T73 B11 S24 G32  

Misija #635. Few people in the world who do not know the name of the great writer Hans Christian Andersen. On the works of this master of the pen, the works have been translated into 150 languages of the world, grew more than one generation. The theme of this mission is dedicated to the wonderful fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. You are waiting for a simple Classic puzzles (Drop 1 , Drop 2, Drop 3 ), the shape of any. The mission will help in the passage of many achievements. Have a nice trip and holiday!)

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Status: Ti nisi dio ove misije
evgen1985 35
2019-12-19 17:09
@Alisa_Anufrieva Thanks for the mission!roseroserose
Despite the volume (30 stages), the mission very fast, not noticed as passedgood

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Alisa_Anufrieva 47 Solver Rank  2019-12-19 17:33 + 3
Thanks for the great reviewsmutilaplod very glad You liked itgood
vk52967316 31 Solver Rank
2019-12-21 19:29
Mission fast enough, the time passed comfortably, but! what does Hans Christian Andersen!

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Alisa_Anufrieva 47 Solver Rank  2019-12-21 21:16 + 3
Every puzzle, in a way corresponds to Andersen's fairy tales) since, to pick up accuracy hard, in the info of each puzzle the name of a fairy tale, but in any case the theme fits. Take for example the first puzzle - a fairy tale "snow Queen", figure girl with a deer "Gerda on the reindeer crosses the North pole in search of Kai" and so on. Thanks for the feedbackaplod
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2019-12-21 21:34 + 2
In our catalog there is an Artist Illustrator of fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersenвладиславерко
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2019-12-21 21:35 + 2
Vovka 32
2019-12-29 13:57
A question from a young reader, to the librarian "And you have tales of the gangster Andersen?"
@Alisa_Anufrieva, thanks for the mission!rose Really fastaplodaplodaplod

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NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2019-12-29 14:08 + 4
Gangstar ignatignatignatignat
Alisa_Anufrieva 47 Solver Rank  2019-12-29 14:11 + 5
Very pleased that You ponravilosi thank yougoodvverhcvety
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LauraMenshikova 54 Solver Rank
2020-01-13 20:49
Thank you for the wonderful selection! rose vverh solnce

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Alisa_Anufrieva 47 Solver Rank  2020-01-13 21:01 + 2
Thanks, glad You liked itsmutilcvety
ibartoh1101 38 Solver Rank
2020-07-28 15:12

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