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2020-04-04 22:13 nettaly Faze6 T39 B14 S5 G10   Razne zagonetke

Misija #809. Balloons - large and small - gather in the mission to the Belarusian puzzles of various sizes, with numbers and without. In the description of the stage - a reference to the original (normal) puzzle in the directory. The time for completion is determined by the site automatically, based on the best results.

Sviđa mi se + 6 Ne sviđa mi se - 1

Status: Ti nisi dio ove misije
NATAKAPA Online Solver Rank
2020-09-30 15:56
for the mission! Time

Sviđa mi se + 2     0
2021-01-08 13:00

Sviđa mi se + 1     0
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