Два неразличимых красных цвета, белые клетки , перемешанные с пустыми - это уже перебор.
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2016-10-10 15:33
Спасибо за работу, но просьба - делайте цвета различимыми, а то очень тяжело глаза напрягаются.
Sviđa mi se 1 0
2018-10-25 07:04
With all my love to sweet, try this "work of art" I would not dare.
Sviđa mi se 1 0
2019-03-14 13:25
Sviđa mi se 1 0
2019-11-22 23:09
It is very difficult to distinguish between these two red shades. Patience is not enough. Have nedorosl threw.
Sviđa mi se 2 4
2019-11-22 23:30
why don't You try to solve the little colored crosswords? the site has a lot of very cute mini krossvordov
2019-11-23 17:44
Thanks for the advice, Tverianka. But it's not that I don't know how to solve large puzzles. The point here is that some authors, creating crosswords, sometimes lay back a couple of more subtle shades. So I usually don't do such.
Prikaži sve komentare
2019-11-23 20:46
Support @Tverianka - the site has just pearls Ecommercesite!
Now you can not distinguish the color change! So we were able to solve it.
the Bottom three quarters of the picture - coloring. But the top quarter of it was interesting. Thanks to the author!
Sviđa mi se 2 0
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