Crossword well-written, easily solved, drawing clear easily recognizable, to the name of All good Yak - only a little dull. From You author, I expected more - You will almost always get wonderful pictures. Waiting for the new Jacob
Sviđa mi se 3 3
2020-03-29 20:10
I thought Terence write or a Protein or another eminent author Jacob, has appeared to me, thank you very much, spring, cottage tulips will soon bloom, the daffodils are already blooming, so I wanted the tulips to draw me
2020-03-29 20:21
You painted a black Tulip, about which wrote Dumas. And should not think that I do not follow Your creativity. Your Baba Yaga just fly away.
2020-03-29 20:58
2020-04-17 22:20
Sviđa mi se 0 0
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