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Online zagonetka «ChibiUsa and Pegasus»

2020-04-14 00:00:00

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ChibiUsa and Pegasus

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#OonegiKimi #sailormoon #anime #girl #rose #horse #wing   Jednobojna područja: 3%


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2020-04-14 17:35
Rather, a hybrid winged Pegasus and the horned unicorn - whether pigarov, whether edigas :)

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today Solver Rank  2020-04-14 19:00 + 4
smutil Alicorn.
Vovka. Solver Rank  2020-04-14 19:14 + 6
"whether pigarov, whether edigas"
Usagi_T Online Solver Rank
2020-04-14 18:23
In the anime he was called Pegasus, so I gave the puzzle its name. And the horn he has because it holds the Golden Crystal.
Company Bandai released the figure with ChibiUsa and Pegasus. However, this is not art, and ChibiUsa did not as the warrior and the Princess, but the composition came out beautiful

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nettaly  2020-04-14 18:29 + 3
Thank you for the detailed review with illustration :)
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