Support,please tell me,how many now have votes that the picture was held in a shared directory ? What is the maximum time the picture can be on moderation ? And whether the bootloader to vote on moderation for their picture ? What are the current rules on these issues ? Thank you.
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2020-05-08 14:20
GingerMartian,I'm not a fan of Jacob,but it is possible as that to explain.The steeper the player,it is for the Yaks,the greater its voice,in this special case, however.And here is what ? If I have a Site Rank at 40,and the other people just got the right to vote,the fact that I have a great artistic taste than him,so what ? And that's not to say that I play all the games which will include one or a picture,so I can and have no idea if it's suitable for other games,in addition to collecting puzzles.