Zagonetka nije prošla moderaciju ili je izbrisana iz drugih razloga!
Slične zagonetke
Nove zagonetke
2020-03-23 11:29
I agree. The puzzle is not very. And polyominoes puzzle? There in the catalog, sometimes, something special comes...
Sviđa mi se 2 1
2020-03-23 12:51
Once the puzzle gets into the directory, it is used to create several types of puzzles, and it happens automatically, have influence on this process in the key "Is cut into only to figure the puzzle, and this is just for the tag" it is impossible.
2020-03-23 11:44
In the new version tapered some turns. 1 number puzzles missing...
Sviđa mi se 2 0
2020-03-23 12:54
Sviđa mi se 0 0
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