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Online zagonetka «The carrot in the basket»

2020-01-05 00:00:00

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The carrot in the basket

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#StillLife #holiday #Christmas   Jednobojna područja: 2%


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Kbcrf 48 Solver Rank
2020-01-07 17:45
Who thought of that secret,
Maybe grandma, maybe grandpa,
Kneading dough.
flour and molasses
Bake cookies.

Russian Gingerbread
Sweet, minty
flavored tea
Treats a noble.

If the cold raged,
of Wanderers of the weary
In the rain and cold warmed
tea from a samovar.
Well, to tea to the travelers.
Filed cakes.

All the friends we guests are waiting,
From the heart meet,
homemade fucking
tea treats.

Kuprevich V., khotimsky M

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nettaly 52  2020-01-07 17:58 + 4
By the way, historically the cakes were baked only on holidays, as the main components (honey, spices, nuts, candied fruit...) did not belong to the mundane or cheap products.

As the name implies, the test must be the aromatic spices. The same meaning can be traced in other languages such as Spanish pan pepato (= pepper bread), it. Pfefferkuchen, niderl. peperkoek, Norv. pepperkake, Swede. pepparkaka, Lett. pipark?kas, fin. piparkakku (pepper cake).

the First written mention of honey cakes, flavored with spices, it was about 350 BC That is already the ancient Egyptians and the Romans made these cookies.
SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2020-01-07 18:08 + 4
All matched---Coffeekofe about Gingerbread here are the Verses and Knowledge Storehousegoodpodmig Drinkkofe Readread Comprehendpodmigporukam
As they say---combine the Useful with the Pleasantkofereadkruto
Thank you,Guys!!!goodkissdrinkssolnceded
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