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Online zagonetka «Grey roof»

2019-11-18 00:00:00

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Grey roof

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By Ольга Орлова (Sheep-Madness). #ОльгаОрлова #SheepMadness #OlgaOrlova #city   Jednobojna područja: 2%


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2019-11-18 18:21
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_gst6907763 Solver Rank
! #390609   2020-01-28 20:25
vverh roof Scandinavian stavkirke remind

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nettaly  2020-01-28 22:33 + 4
Thanks for the example, very interesting architecture vverh
I Invite you to gather one roof:
_gst6907763 Solver Rank  2020-01-29 17:23 + 2
ahaha, well, it's exactly on top of the stave Church! Collect, I like these dragon's muzzle on the edges of roofs.
when I first read about stavkirke in some magazine, there was mention that the architect of Tomsk also was inspired by this Scandinavian tradition and used on the roof. And remember that Tomsk is where the house with 4 dragons.
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