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Online zagonetka «Waterfall in Iceland»

2019-12-13 00:00:00

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Waterfall in Iceland

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Kirkjufell (Icelandic: Church Mountain) is claimed to be the most photographed mountain in the country; was one of the filming locations for Game of Thrones. #Iceland #mountain #waterfall #landscape   Jednobojna područja: 1%


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Kbcrf 48 Solver Rank
2019-12-14 11:06
Iceland - a country on the edge of the world
Where the cold chills even in the summer,
Where the air is clean and fabulously around,
Where the sun shines at night like the day.

here Visible cap new volcano
Whales in the flashing waves of the ocean,
Dive parrots in the water column
Where the fish are the dark sophisticated rock.

Lakes, rivers, snowy peaks,
Change the parent of the valley
And the waterfalls fall from the sky,
And the geyser shoots the demon.


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2021-08-30 10:47

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