Провинция Краби (Krabi), Таиланд (Thailand). Автор фото - Stan Smucker (если есть другие версии авторства, пишите в комментариях). Местность широко известна благодаря фантастическим известняковым скалам и тенистым мангровыми лесам. Туристов ожидают бесчисленные острова, наиболее известные из которых - это Пхи-Пхи. Кроме того, у любителей скалолазания популярностью пользуется пляж Рейли, но попасть на него можно лишь на лодке. https://en.grandgames.net/puzzle/online/lodka_u_berega
Sviđa mi se 8 5
2019-10-25 03:21
The film "Beach" with Leonardo DiCaprio - is it rented?
2019-10-25 08:21
This beach in Maya Bay was closed last year for five years to restore the coral and local wildlife.The Studio there is still naughty during preproduction. Cut down native vegetation to widen the beach, and when I left the seasonal storm washed away the beach and destroyed the coral reef.
The horror! Because now there is computer graphics, can be done without harm to the environment
2019-10-25 11:11
By the way, naughty not only filmmakers, but also poklonniki that after the release of the film pushed to gawk at nature. And this is not the first time a movie causes harm to reality - for example, after the film about Dalmatians little children have lusted after these puppies, but when it came to the rigors of everyday life of vikarma-dog walking, training, animals were simply thrown into the street. same thing with the other "cinegiornali" for example after a "Game of thrones" in the UK frequent failures of the huskies: fans donated the animals to the shelter, because suddenly discovered that a powerful hunting dog not a toy room and requires constant training and an experienced dog owner.
2019-10-25 18:49
The sunsets over the ocean - a sight absolutely mesmerizing. Today, the calm and the sunset looks like in