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A very significant tournament

tetra Solver Rank
! #409756   2020-03-25 19:59
A very significant tournament. A visual list of those who play fair.

Sviđa mi se + 4     5
_gst6907763 Solver Rank  2020-03-25 20:15 + 4
original conclusion ignat
Tane4ka Solver Rank  2020-03-25 22:55 + 3
Perhaps there is a view of the second round and those who did not manage to solve it? (i.e. "a list of honest" ;) ignat )
Acceleration  2020-03-25 23:19 + 3
If desired, it is and a minute can be solved. Who eye sees part matching without matching. Just to cling comfortably and for the outlines and color, not one thing, and then some stones and the choice is not great hitrec
AliciaLial Solver Rank  2020-03-26 00:48 + 5
tetra, I'm sorry, but could you clarify who you think is not fair? or what you had in mind, but I do not understand.. repa femida
LenaNSolon  2020-03-26 05:29 + 3
Now, you can't put a matching shape, but not suitable for drawing circuits at someone else's place.
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