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@vsv240676 Dear Svetlana...

Alisa_Anufrieva Solver Rank
! #424328   2020-05-14 17:01
@vsv240676 Dear Svetlana, have a conscience!
By and large I don't care who when and where your program uses to quickly solve puzzles - it's your right.
But many of us are achieving the "Pioneer" and arrogance on the part of other players rather angry.
We all try and overtake each other and difficult, but.......
When the puzzle is added to 16.47 with 5 drops solved in 4 minutes, and by the way all three puzzles were solved as if at the same time!
It is not fair to other players.

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olenenok Solver Rank  2020-05-14 17:05 + 3
I'm afraid Svetlana't hear us , I like in the tournament saw her.
Alisa_Anufrieva Solver Rank  2020-05-14 17:07 + 3
Olga, could You make a remark to her, so openly at least did.
olenenok Solver Rank  2020-05-14 17:10 + 2
And what's the point if I make a remark , we have only the Administrator as to affect, I can not do anything to do her.
Alisa_Anufrieva Solver Rank  2020-05-14 17:10 + 4
I saw this post today, I thought it was just people using the program solve (I don't care again), but when in 3 minutes of 4 of the puzzle is solved at once when adding during the day - then excuse me, I'm ready to give up and often compete with strength with Game, B8831388 and Laura - but we honestly compete.
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2020-05-14 17:43 + 1
Is the software to solve the puzzles exist? In my opinion, it is in principle impossible to create, there is no solution algorithm, as in Hitori, Kakuro and podobni puzzles. In 2009, like, there have been overtures, but, in my opinion. there is further conceptualization is not gone. Still created? Enlighten, pliz)
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2020-05-14 17:51 + 2
Same color, "roughly homogeneous image regions" ("region with approximately uniform visual elements") ("A fully automated greedy square jigsaw puzzle solver," Dolev Pomeranz, Michal Shemesh, Ohad Ben-Shahar)
Alisa_Anufrieva Solver Rank  2020-05-14 18:00 + 2
I'm not even interested in the subject of clfton or programs, but agree Sarah that the 5 drop for 3 min to collect the puzzle alone is not possible. I'm still on a mission to drop 5 puzzles, collect from 11 to 20 minutes, but not for 3?! And let enjoys, well, like her question for me personally, an achievement in a Pioneer.
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2020-05-14 18:14 + 1
Алиса, я вас понимаю и сочувствую( Но сама я тормоз, простейший пазл могу ковырять минут сорок, поэтому не могу предположить, сколько минут уйдет на пазл с дропом 5. Плюс, в свое время пыталась делать алгоритмы решения простейших задач типа крестиков-ноликов, и примерно представляю масштаб работы. Например, в шашках довольно маленькое конечное число комбинаций, еще в детстве интуитивно это чувствовала, но объяснить не могла (как собачка - все понимаю, а сказать не могу :D) Для сравнения. в шахматах количество вариантов необозримо большое - тоже конечное, но огромное. А для пазлов вообще не представляю, что можно придумать, вот и спрашиваю - неужели наконец сделали такую программу?
Ни в коем случае не преуменьшаю важность вашего вопроса, чисто научный интерес read
vvgst  2020-05-14 18:30 + 3
the site moderators do not know about the hint button ignat poke and all
Acceleration  2020-05-14 18:33 + 5
It would be fun to develop for of system of catching of third-party programs, I don't know if she is now just. These people baths periban new will create a new, more efficient methods. By the way, the jigsaw puzzle program for the Assembly is created very easily in the code boom-boom, but on your toes I imagine how it works.
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2020-05-14 18:39 + 3
@vvgst, I'm not on the part of the moderator :D
@Acceleration, Yes, the system of catching of third - party prog that would be great vverh
"imagine how it works"

sorting options?
Acceleration  2020-05-14 18:43 + 5
No, in short: the program maps the color coding of each pixel on the boundaries of each palinki and the order in which pixels these are, then maps the probability of a match this order with all other palinketi which 2 Pezinok side as compatible as possible in terms of probability ratio (not necessarily 100%, just high) combine with all the parts.
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2020-05-14 19:01 + 2
@Acceleration, many thanks for the explanation serdce
olenenok Solver Rank  2020-05-14 20:47 + 2
Well, firstly, we, the Editors (we just called so), and the second is how many prompts we need to spend that is the number of puzzles to collect.
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