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Champion of Russia in the solution of Sudoku...

NinetySeven Solver Rank
! #441178   2020-07-30 15:45
Champion of Russia in the solution of Sudoku, and what a shame to lose..... The campaign I have to finish :(

Sviđa mi se + 5     13
Lena2020  2020-07-30 15:54 + 3
NinetySeven , congratulations on winning the Championship, it is not necessary to finish , you have to train with our players and to win the next Championshiphands
NinetySeven Solver Rank  2020-07-30 17:03 + 2
I second, for me it is a defeat
Lena2020  2020-07-30 18:01 + 3
This is not a League, here are the medals and trophies are virtual, it is necessary to play, too, don't worry :)
NinetySeven Solver Rank  2020-07-30 18:05 + 2
Ahhh, you mean the championship meant, when congratulated on his victory? Thank you) But it was in that year, and this.... Was prevented by the quarantine.

Not arguing that it is necessary, but not zero in the "stage 5"
Lena2020  2020-07-30 18:10 + 3
Make right conclusions and move onhands
at least you Can teach people how I solve Sudoku, maybe video tutorial will do for us, there is not. A lot of puzzles on the website that I haven't mastered, Sudoku among themwhat
Ioanna  2020-07-30 19:19 + 5
We have a champion!!!! Hurray!! If You don't mind, please tell us how this is happening as you play on your computer or on message boards, etc. talking in topics, as is the selection. We have a separate public like the personal stories. But even if by yourself honor. idea emc
NinetySeven Solver Rank  2020-07-30 20:56 + 3
If interested, write in HP, to paint all the training is not too lazy :) And how are the Championships will write later)
Lena2020  2020-07-30 21:01 + 2
No need to PM, create a public "lessons of the champion" or something and call all their articles and write, can and links to videos and photos, I think many will like. If you have questions about the creation of the public can help, my public is called "interesting facts", so the experience of what is already therehands
NinetySeven Solver Rank  2020-07-30 21:04 + 2
Yes, I'm on YouTube to razvernetsya trying to do.... But you can here make the lessons, why not :) what else besides Sudoku does not work?
Lena2020  2020-07-30 21:07 + 1
Admin something about poker wrote on the website want this game to do, I never played it :)
Let the links on YouTube, we watch!
NinetySeven Solver Rank  2020-07-30 21:12 + 1
Oh, poker.... It is necessary to have a classmate to ask, he loves to play :) and there are puzzles, which doesn't yet removed the passage puzzles
Lena2020  2020-07-30 21:17 + 2
Those that are not on the website suggest to our admin, he's an ACE in their field, will I sleep :)
good nightsleep
NinetySeven Solver Rank  2020-07-30 21:19 + 3
Good night :)
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