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Turnir #10356 «Daily Battle Pro»

Ежедневная битва. Случайная головоломка с дропом 1-2.
Vrijeme servera: 2025-03-12 06:22
TurnirNagradni fondOcjena Početak registracije Početak turniraObilazakDoprinosminuta za obilazak Učesnici
#10356 Mozgalice Daily Battle Proplayoff Nagradni fond35   +5  1670<R14.12 23:0015.12 18:00 2/2518 (19)4 / 4

Aktivne igre

milutin03 57 Solver Rank
2021-12-15 17:58
It is not a rare situation that this tournament not held because less then four players pay fee for it.

Fee disappear.

It would be nice that when this happens, coins increase prize fond for (same this) tournament tomorrow.

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Support 44  2021-12-15 18:08 + 2
If a tournament is canceled (for any reason), the fees will always be refunded to the players.
mvt222 Online 54 Solver Rank
2021-12-15 18:00
Зарегистрировался для количества. Первый тур может еще решу, потом убегать надо :(. Всем удачи!

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milutin03 57 Solver Rank
2021-12-15 18:08
Thanks a lot to @mvt222,

This is nice, and You are now in contention for Marathon Ticket prize, as well.

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mvt222 54 Solver Rank  2021-12-16 01:08 + 3
milutin03 57 Solver Rank
2021-12-15 18:17
Thanks to @Support for information.

Recently I try to figure it out is this happen or not. Obviously I conclude wrong.

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