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Turnir #4947 «LightUP Turbo»

Турбо-турнир по игре Фонари. Размер не более 100 клеток.
Vrijeme servera: 2025-03-03 20:38
TurnirNagradni fondOcjena Početak registracije Početak turniraObilazakDoprinosminuta za obilazak Učesnici
#4947 Upali svjetlo LightUP Turboround Nagradni fond45   +2 ∞ R20.06 12:0821.06 21:00 7/757 (4)8 / 8

Aktivne igre

Lysva 44
2020-06-21 21:22
Silly me, overestimated their strength. Still poltyschi top added. Where got, here are the wolves podzat

Sviđa mi se + 5     1
mvt222 54 Solver Rank  2020-06-21 21:36 + 1
There is not a wolf should be, and nimble rabbit! :)
Lysva 44
2020-06-21 21:27
Yeah. Not counting the technical defeat of the Game in asset 1 win, 1 draw and 4 losses. Get again podzat

Sviđa mi se + 3     1
mvt222 54 Solver Rank  2020-06-21 21:37 + 2
This is even the Accelerator is not involved ...
mvt222 Online 54 Solver Rank
2020-06-21 21:38
Thank you for participating ... and for polysi top!!! vverh

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