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Turnir #8800 «Sudoku Afternoon»

Дневной турнир по судоку
Vrijeme servera: 2025-03-19 23:21
TurnirNagradni fondOcjena Početak registracije Početak turniraObilazakDoprinosminuta za obilazak Učesnici
#8800 Sudoku Sudoku Afternoonhandicap Nagradni fond12   +1 ∞ R28.07 21:3029.07 15:00 5/5112 (8)6 / 20
IgračI (29.07 15:00-29.07 15:12) #260232II (29.07 15:08-29.07 15:20) #294442III (29.07 15:16-29.07 15:28) #291638IV (29.07 15:24-29.07 15:36) #292755V (29.07 15:32-29.07 15:44) #278792HendikepPoeniMestoNagrada
1342 AliciaLial 2025-03-19 05:42:500 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)10104
1625 NinetySeven 2024-11-30 19:20:360 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)226
1609 Barzuga 2025-03-19 20:35:510 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)4 (05:03)485
1600 Pianist 2022-11-28 09:36:030 (-)4 (08:09)0 (-)5 (09:44)3 (05:56)6183210
1576 vsrawat 2025-03-19 21:32:51 ExtraMoney1005 (10:01)5 (06:42)0 (-)0 (-)6 (04:20)8242315
1834 Mgla Online ExtraMoney5006 (06:48)6 (03:51)6 (06:29)6 (06:38)5 (04:54)0291903

Aktivne igre

vsrawat Solver Rank
2021-07-29 15:52
This headstart system is questionable.
Above, a person who has not solved a single of 5 games, is at 4th place, and a person who has at least solved one game, is at 5th place.

This is ethically wrong.

This way, the game is judged by the headstart your system assigns, and not by acutal performance.

I put my objection to the headstart system,
lease remove headstarts. Let it be level playing field.


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NinetySeven Solver Rank
2021-07-29 15:56
Круто, я забыл про турнир

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Aa24504356  2022-07-24 17:03 + 3
Бывает,я 2 тура пропустила,очнулась на 3-ем,начала быстро играть :) :(
NinetySeven Solver Rank  2022-07-24 22:02 + 3
Я недельные турниры вообще спал уже
vsrawat Solver Rank
2021-07-29 15:56
After "pre-placed candidates" have been removed, the games are much more fun and much more challenging. I am loving them.
Previously it was just pattern matching, and one could have cracked a game just by pattern matching of candidates, and not actually solving sudokus.

But, now it takes more time, so it might be ok for other tournaments who give hours for each round.
But for this sudoku afternoon, the time between rounds, and total time for each to finish is appearing very less.

Please give it a thought and give at least half an hour for each round of sudoku afternoon, in the new "non-candidate" style.


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