Saturday 16, 12:00, @meduzia vs. @elliott
Duration : 5-10 min for each round.
List of games :
1 - Tents
2 - China Pics
3 - Hitori
4 - Picross
5 - Bridges
6 - Sudoku Killer
7 - Clouds
8 - Belarus Puzzle
9 - Winrose
This one was the 105th. I'm quite proud of this, this is the equivalent of two years wining weekly tournaments.
And it's becoming harder and harder to win tournaments, players here have really increased their level. When they are at their best, @Titaniya or @DimaRick are unplayable.
@natashalode, or @hapa now can get a best score on any game, but they still lack regularity over an entire week. They are getting closer and closer.
And I can't imagine what would happen if @meduzia started playing picross.
Anyway, while waiting for the end of the reign which is getting closer from week to week, I still enjoy playing this game.
See you soon on new tournaments.