I do typically not like that of picture depicting fruit, this one I do find most beautiful indeed.
Hopping through life, on large back feet, with long ears; either floppy or standing straight up, one can not help but smile viewing their twitching nose and fluffy tails.
For being so very small, the complexity level was extremely high. The little engine that could; did bring frustration and a shout of joy upon completion.
Unto mine self, the sheer beauty of viewing a child as they explore the world around them, is the true meaning of life.
"He's Fast. They're Furious." At least such is what is upon the poster of this 2013 film about my kind.
The first of this type of water distribution, was registered to J. Lessler of Buffalo, New York (#121949) in 1871, which was activated with the help of a gardening hose. These little devices helped both homeowners and farmers alike, keeping both front lawns and fields of crops green and healthy. In 1932, a fruit farmer, Orton Englehardt, invented the impact type, for which I am, and to help distribute an even amount of water over a wide area.
Within the animal kingdom, a group of my kind is called a crèche; and with the temperatures being so very cold where I was hatched, a crèche is indeed needed.
The Pit Crew; individuals for whom without there would be no race, yet are the most unappreciated contributors to any race. IMHO.
Whether my original name derived from the Greek word, “pitta,” which means “pie”; from the Langobardic word “bizzo,” which means “bite.”; or from the a Latin word "pinsa", which means flat bread. All I do know is that the oldest know use of the name for my pie shaped, doughy goodness, smothered in cheese and sauce, was recorded in a Latin text from 997 AD in Gaeta, Italy. The text states that a tenant of certain property must give the bishop of Gaeta 12 of me every Christmas Day and 12 more every Easter Sunday.
The first of my kind, the Aeolipile, invented by the Greek engineer Hero of Alexandria in the 1st century AD. Hero probably did not expect his invention to inspire a leap in technological advancement a millennium later, involving iron tracks, the travel of passengers, and more freight then one can ever imagine.
I am a Cornu Aspersum, commonly seen after a heavy rain fall or under leaves within a forest or wooded areas.
Whether the Pudu, the smallest, or the Alces alces, the largest of my kind, most of us are shy creatures, yet tantalize the imagination enough to be featured in movies; such as Bambi and Zolotye roga.
Considered the raptor of the wise, due unto the sounds it makes that mimic's the word "Who?", these silent hunter's of the night are majestic and mysterious.
The modern English word, that describes what I am, is derived from Old English hlaf, which in turn is from Proto-Germanic *khlaibuz. Old Norse hleifr, Swedish lev, Old Frisian hlef, Gothic hlaifs, Old High German hleib and modern German Laib derive from this Proto-Germanic word, which was also borrowed into Slavic (Polish chleb, Russian khleb) and Finnic (Finnish leipä, Estonian leib) languages as well.
I want to speak that this is fireworks or pyrotechnic's, and just leave such as that; for mine mind did create something else that is not for public conversations.
This recognizable logo was created by using two of the Younger Futhark Runes to represent Harald "Bluetooth" Gormsson, who was a king of Denmark and brought about a union with Norway. Harald ruled as king of Denmark from c. 958 – c. 986.
In modern times we see such as an union of technologies "... uniting the PC and cellular industries with a short-range wireless link".
This did take a lot of work to try and figure out that this is
Founded on August 1, 1981, in New York, NY, USA; this cable Television Station quickly became the premier place for rock bands showcase their differing styles. Eventually morphing into a platform for more then music, they are still recognizable by their two, English, alphabetic letters across the world today.
Holiday gift giving, that time of year when family, faith, and community comes together to find joy during the hardest time of the seasons. May all find the blessing of a true, genuine smile; for there is nothing more precious and priceless as the smile of a child delighted by life.
I am an Passer montanus, and I am dressed to impress with mine rich chestnut crown and nape with a black patch on each pure white cheek. Most commonly I can be found within the farms, lightly wooded areas (especially with hedgerows and bushes), villages, parks with ornamental plantings, and reedbeds along lakeshores.
The oldest known, organized, event of the game I love, was held in Quebec Canada in 1875. I am a player in this game that has become the national past time and identity of a lot of Canadians.
Some would speak that this is an perfect enactment of gossiping hens; tattle-tells; or telephone. The choice is up to the viewer.