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Turnir #3534 «Fragment Saturday»

Субботний турнир по угадай фрагмент. Размер не более 10x10.
Vrijeme servera: 2025-03-10 12:23
TurnirNagradni fondOcjena Početak registracije Početak turniraObilazakDoprinosminuta za obilazak Učesnici
#3534 Pogodi fragment Fragment Saturdayclassic Nagradni fond11   +1 ∞ R20.03 21:1521.03 12:00 5/518 (5)10 / 50
IgračI (21.03 12:00-21.03 12:08) #120352II (21.03 12:05-21.03 12:13) #129065III (21.03 12:10-21.03 12:18) #156283IV (21.03 12:15-21.03 12:23) #124993V (21.03 12:20-21.03 12:28) #126810HendikepPoeniMestoNagrada
1578 Meduzia 2025-03-10 11:53:578 (00:12)9 (01:16)5 (01:02)5 (02:15)2 (01:07)029642
1632 Nata2803 2025-03-10 02:26:572 (00:30)7 (01:25)6 (00:48)7 (01:54)3 (00:51)0257
1609 Bogdan1101 2025-02-03 13:17:3510 (00:09)5 (01:47)9 (00:41)6 (02:13)9 (00:32)0393238
1786 B8831388 2021-12-17 01:42:020 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0010
1847 today 2025-03-10 10:19:575 (00:16)8 (01:17)7 (00:44)10 (01:12)7 (00:41)0374153
1390 Lena2020 2021-05-13 10:22:034 (00:21)6 (01:34)4 (01:21)3 (03:28)6 (00:43)0238
1792 Tverianka 2025-03-09 13:12:579 (00:11)10 (01:01)8 (00:43)8 (01:26)8 (00:35)0431442
1659 eLLioTT 2025-03-10 09:26:577 (00:14)10 (01:01)3 (01:56)9 (01:17)5 (00:46)034584
1612 S.I.A 2025-03-09 22:35:576 (00:15)10 (01:01)10 (00:33)6 (02:13)10 (00:31)0422335
1454 Tane4ka 2025-03-08 11:11:56 ExtraMoney1003 (00:25)4 (01:53)5 (01:02)4 (02:21)4 (00:48)0209

Aktivne igre

Lena2020 48
2020-03-21 12:01
Good Luck To Everyone!

Sviđa mi se + 6     4
Tverianka 49 Solver Rank  2020-03-21 12:08 + 4
Lena2020 48  2020-03-21 12:12 + 3
Prikaži sve komentare
eLLioTT 52 Solver Rank
2020-03-21 12:20
I don't understand why sometimes I've got a bug with "Guess the Snippest" : when I chose the first tile, the puzzle appears completed and I have no choice to do.
I have to resize the windows to make the partial puzzle and the choice will reappear. Then I can do the second choice, and then I have to resize the window to be able to do the next... et caetera.

Sviđa mi se + 1     1
eLLioTT 52 Solver Rank  2020-03-21 12:22 + 1
What I don't understand that it works perfectly for 90% of the other puzzles.
Bogdan1101 39 Solver Rank
2020-03-21 12:27
Well! I could already feel 1! sad

Sviđa mi se + 3     3
Lena2020 48  2020-03-21 12:32 + 2
Bogdan1101 , many more tournaments will beflows
Bogdan1101 39 Solver Rank  2020-03-21 20:16 + 3
And all I will lose! ugar
Lena2020 48  2020-03-21 20:28 + 2
I miraculously gets the medals, but You are much more efficient for me, so the medal is not far off Yoursporukam
Tverianka 49 Solver Rank
2020-03-21 12:28
Thanks for playing

Sviđa mi se + 3     1
Tane4ka 50 Solver Rank  2020-03-21 12:31 + 4
Tverianka, congratulations on the victory! S. I. a prize! roseroserose
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